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Privacy Policy of LIFE BOMB

JOIN COLONY LABS  (referred to as "we," "our," and "us") acknowledges and respects your desire for privacy protection. Safeguarding your privacy is our top priority in all interactions with you, including your use of the LIFE BOMB move2earn running app (“App”).

In the process of delivering our services to you, we may need to collect your personal information. This Privacy Policy aims to elucidate how we and our affiliated entities collect your personal information and ensure its protection.

Our headquarters are located in France, and we provide services directly to you. This policy is originally composed in English. In case of any discrepancies between the translated versions and the English version, the English version shall prevail.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, this Privacy Policy does not encompass third-party products or services or the practices of entities not under our ownership or control, including other entities you may engage with via our services.

We consistently adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union in handling your personal information. As a global enterprise, we also adhere to various jurisdiction-specific privacy regulations outlined in this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy pertains to your personal information, which encompasses various data points. Personal information refers to information or opinions, regardless of accuracy, recorded in any format, about an identified individual or an individual who can be reasonably identified. All personal information obtained in the course of our operations is subject to stringent confidentiality protocols.

Typical examples of personal information include your name, username, password, IP address, unique device identifiers, gender, signature, address, telephone number, email, date of birth, banking information, digital wallet details, billing particulars, credit or debit card details, photographs and videos of yourself, other identification credentials, biographical details, and remarks or evaluations concerning you.

Additionally, we gather data about your location and physical movements to facilitate the proper functioning of the App and to monitor and authenticate eligible forms of movement. You retain the option to enable or disable location tracking periodically through your mobile device's operating system settings. However, if you choose to disable this functionality, we will be unable to gather information related to your step count and GPS/Cell-ID location, thereby impeding the tracking and/or conversion of your movements into CAT/HELT tokens.

Personal information that we may collect from you includes, but is not limited to, the following categories:

  1. Information provided by you during your interactions with us.

  2. Information gathered directly from you.

  3. Information received from other third-party sources.

By consenting to this Privacy Policy, you acknowledge that you are aware of the collection and disclosure of your personal information by us, as necessary, and in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union.

Collection of Personal Information


"Personal information" refers to data identifying, relating to, describing, enabling contact with, or reasonably linkable to you. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, "personal information" and "personal data" are interchangeable.


You have the option to withhold certain personal information described herein. However, note that some of our services require specific personal information to function. Should you opt not to provide necessary personal information for a particular service or feature, you may be unable to utilize said service or feature.


Information Provided by You

We may directly collect your personal information through various means:

  • Completion of forms on our website, Social Media platforms, App, or mobile applications.

  • Consent for accessing personal data such as photographs, videos, or photo albums.

  • Consent for accessing your device's microphone and/or camera.

  • Contacting us via email, telephone, Social Media, or similar functions.

  • In-person interactions, marketing channels, competitions, surveys, or third-party host websites.

You acknowledge that any personal information you provide must be accurate and current, and we will presume it to be so.


Information Collected About You

"Social Media" encompasses social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, facilitating the creation and exchange of user-generated content.

Our website, Social Media platforms, App, and/or other software or mobile applications may automatically gather the following information each time you visit or use them:

  1. Technical details, including your device's Internet Protocol Address, internet browser and version, additional plug-ins, and device operating system.

  2. Timestamps of website, Social Media, App, or software usage, accessed content, duration of access, downloaded content, navigation paths to and from our platforms, and interactions with links.


Sensitive Information

During the process of collecting personal information, we may also gather sensitive information, such as:

  • Health information.

  • Genetic information unrelated to health.

  • Biometric data for automated verification or identification.

If we collect your sensitive information, it will be in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union. This entails obtaining your consent and limiting collection to purposes reasonably necessary for service provision. Your consent to the collection of sensitive information also extends to its use and disclosure to third parties for the specified purposes.


Utilization of Your Personal Information

By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you authorize the disclosure of your personal information to any related entities of ours. You also consent to the collection of your personal information and its disclosure to third parties, where necessary and for the purposes for which it was gathered. Such purposes may include:

  1. Providing our services.

  2. Verifying your physical movement and location to issue CAT/HELT tokens based on this verified data.

  3. Investigating and preventing suspected fraud, criminal activities, or misuse of our services, including utilizing user location and movement data for our Machine Learning Anti-Cheating System.

  4. Utilizing Internet Protocol Address data for fraud detection and maintaining the integrity of the LIFE BOMB game system.

  5. Assessing device compatibility with our software versions and services.

  6. Operating the LIFE BOMB Marketplace.

  7. Resolving disputes among players.

  8. Providing requested information, without linking your user ID and email.

  9. Communicating updates to the App, LIFE BOMB website, Terms of Use, and/or this Privacy Policy.

  10. Authenticating financial account information or processing digital asset transfers.

  11. Authenticating credit or debit card information.

  12. Conducting marketing activities, including notifying you about news, events, special offers, and promoting our brand or similar products.

  13. Informing you about changes to our products, website, App, and/or other software or mobile applications.

  14. Seeking your opinions and feedback for service improvement.

  15. Engaging in consumer interaction and customer service purposes, including assessing advertising effectiveness and facilitating website viral features.

  16. Analyzing service usage to enhance user experience.

  17. Fulfilling legal obligations or requirements.

  18. Managing relationships with you and other customers.


Certain personal data may be shared with other App players as part of our service operations. Additionally, in business expansions or withdrawals, certain divisions or assets may be transferred to third parties, along with relevant stored data. Data may also be transferred to locations outside France due to the utilization of overseas IT services.


We may share information with third-party partners for marketing purposes, and you consent to such disclosures. This includes providing targeted advertising and marketing communications, where permitted by law.


You acknowledge our authority to disclose your personal information to third parties in various circumstances, such as business transactions, legal obligations, or investigations into unlawful activities. You also consent to any disclosure required for compliance with relevant reporting obligations under The French law on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (AML-CTF).

We are committed to ensuring that any overseas recipients of your personal information comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union.

Storage of Your Personal Information

We maintain commercially reasonable technical, administrative, and physical security measures to safeguard your information against loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.


During transmission of your credit or debit card account, financial account, or digital wallet information to or through our services, cryptographic protocols ensure protection. It's important to note that we do not store your credit or debit card account information ourselves, and we do not directly control or assume responsibility for it. We may utilize third-party payment processors who act as controllers of your information. Our agreements with these parties mandate them to maintain its security and confidentiality.


While we implement stringent security measures, we cannot guarantee absolute security against unauthorized third-party access or circumvention of these measures. Except where prohibited by applicable law, we disclaim liability for information disclosure due to transmission errors, unauthorized third-party access, or other causes beyond our control.


Your information will be retained only for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was initially collected. After a reasonable period, we will delete your information, which may necessitate re-entry of your personal details.


You acknowledge and agree that your personal information may be stored in or transferred to locations within or outside France. This facilitates processing by staff operating outside France, as required for service provision under this Privacy Policy.


Although we take reasonable precautions to secure internet transmissions of your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of data transmitted to our website. You assume any associated risks with such transmissions.


Upon receipt of your information, we undertake reasonable measures to safeguard it. This may include storage on secure servers, implementation of strict access procedures, and utilization of physical storage for your personal information.


All employees with access to your information are bound by the confidentiality obligations outlined in this Privacy Policy.


Collection of Your Information Using Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Our website, App, and other mobile applications utilize "cookies," which are small data pieces sent from a website and stored in your web browser. These data pieces enable our platforms to recognize and obtain information from you, facilitating the delivery of a more personalized and enhanced service.


Through the use of cookies, we may gather information such as your IP address, online activity, and web browser details. However, we do not collect or store sensitive information like passwords.


We employ both persistent cookies, which may remain on your device until expiry (in some cases, up to 10 years), and session cookies, which are temporary files removed once you close your browser.


The cookies we utilize include:

  • Analytical and tracking cookies: These help us recognize and count visitors, analyze service usage, verify transactions, and improve our offerings.

  • Advertising and re-targeting cookies: These enable us to deliver targeted advertising on our website and App.


By enabling cookies when accessing our platforms, you provide consent to our use of cookies and other mentioned technologies as outlined in our Privacy Policy. Please refer to our website's Terms of Use for further details on this matter.


Your Rights

You have the right to request access to your personal information held by us. Please contact us or our Privacy Officer via email at or in writing at:

2 Boulevard Michelet


If we cannot provide access, we will explain the reasons.


Should any personal information we hold about you be inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated, you have the right to request correction by contacting us at the above address.


You also have the right to request non-disclosure of your personal information, such as for marketing purposes. You can exercise these rights by unchecking relevant checkboxes on our platforms when providing personal information or by contacting us at the above address.


Furthermore, you can opt out of receiving further correspondence from us by writing to us at the above address or emailing us at the provided email address.




If you have concerns regarding potential privacy interference or misuse of your personal information, please reach out to us at the provided email address. We take all complaints seriously and handle them promptly, effectively, and fairly.


Privacy Policy Updates

This Privacy Policy was last updated on May 20, 2024. We reserve the right to amend this Policy at any time. We recommend reviewing it regularly to stay informed about changes and understand how your information may be utilized.

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